J.S. Chase

J.S. Chase

" ... park-like country ... "

1, May, 2018


Coast Trails 


Here we find Chase and  ' Chino ' near Ballard, CA,
north of Mission Santa Ines. Chase takes the time to
share with us an often encountered, yet still enriching
landscape, where even the cattle, in their own predilection,
are overwhelmed. 


" This part of California is preeminently the land of oaks. My road
the next day, following the same canyon a few miles farther, passed
through a park-like country where every oak seemed to reach the
full magnificence of its type. The foliage swelled out in exuberance 
of glossiest green, and the convex of every leaf was burnished like
metal. Between the trees the ground was covered with heavy-
headed grasses, and the cattle stood gazing helplessly out over
leagues of waving pasturage. "


photo:j. develyn, near Central California Coast


**** Here is a contemporary review of Chase's ' Coast Trails ' from
a 1913 American publication. ****


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