J.S. Chase

J.S. Chase

" ... no need to say, God bless them ... "

April, 11, 2018


Coast Trails


The generosity Chase received during this journey was ever-present. Here we find
Chase with artist, friend, and fellow tramp Carl Eytel. As night overtakes them they
chance upon a ranch-house where upon request to be put up for the night they re-
cieve a hearty " You bet you can! " Provided, they were, with a " ... ten-foot thick
mattress ... " of hay, freshly picked tomatoes, milk, and other ' benefits, '
seemingly every five minutes. " As Chase states, " The next day being Sunday,
stayed all day with these warm-hearted people. " After he and Eytel visited in
the hosts kitchen, Chase leaves us, and them, with the following.


" ... On the kitchen wall I noticed a framed motto. The words were
" Love one another, " and my last impression of the family was a
delightful commentary upon it. The toil-worn hand of the wife rested
on the shoulder of the stalwart husband, who talked tender nonsense
to the nine-months' morsel of baby that he held; while the other
three children played an uproarious cowboy game of roping one
another with a superannuated riata.

There was no need to say, God bless them: clearly He does. "


Definitions for the curios!
( Superannuated ) - antique; old-fashioned
( riata ) - lariat; lasso


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