J.S. Chase

J.S. Chase

" ... then kneeling quietly down... "

4,, March, 2018


Yosemite Trails


In this passage Chase depicts a wonderful vignette, of man
and beast experiencing the dreaded mosquito in the great
Sierra wilderness, where this hardly visible resident commands
the environment, unmercifully to Chase and company.
The beast seems to have more successfully mitigated the
  problem; at least in Mr. Chase's admiring eyes!


Mosquitoes descended upon us in swarms while we ate
our supper. They also follow the spring, and here they
were in full zest of the joy of life. Three smudges and 
the same number of pipes, all working industriously,
hardly abated their ardor, and we could but sit and endure
while we waited for them to succumb to the chill of the
falling temperature. 

The animals, neglecting the excellent pasturage of the
meadow, came and stood with us in the lee of the smudges,
gazing at us with glistening eyes. 

Our favorite, Jenny, with superior strategy, would invite 
the tormentors to settle freely upon her; then kneeling
quietly down she would suddenly but carefully roll over
upon them - and arise gloriously besmeared with the blood
of the slain. "


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