27, Feb. 2018
Coast Trails
Mr. Chase has an unerring way with words; blending observations,
thoughts, feelings, description, which he then marshal's into a
musical ensemble akin to a symphony. Without further adieu,
let the music begin!
thoughts, feelings, description, which he then marshal's into a
musical ensemble akin to a symphony. Without further adieu,
let the music begin!
" The night was cloudy but warm. Our blankets were spread upon a
deep litter of blue-gum leaves, and their vigorous essences gave the
spot unusual attractiveness as a sleeping place. Something, however,
-- probably the virtue of our Laguna friends' home-grown tobacco, --
again made me wakeful; but it was enjoyable enough to lie and watch
the quiet play of the foliage, the only sounds, the gentle clatter of
leaf on leaf, the industrious mastication of the horses, the occasional
challenges of distant owls, and the monotonous voice of the surf
lulling the earth with its unceasing narrative.
The hubbub of birds that greeted the morning was something to
remember. The kingbirds seemed to be the earliest risers, their
waking complaints overlapping the long-range adieus of the owls.
For some time nothing else stirred. No doubt birds have their
peculiarities of temper, or at least of temperament, just as we have.
I fancied the less strenuous inhabitants of the trees lying lethargically
gazing at the brightening sky, awaiting the fatal moment when the
duties of the coming day no longer could be ignored: perhaps, like
some of us, the victims of ' liver. '
In due course the linnets, blackbirds, orioles, and canaries came in; and
just before sunrise the cliff swallows, of whom a flock of full two
hundred inhabited a cavern by the lagoon, filled the air with their sweet
trilling voices as they swung and soared in zestful manoeuvres. Then
the cliff wren's cascade of plaintive chromatics rang out from far up
the hill; and when the sun arose, and with him the insects, the flycatchers
arrived to occupy the most desirable stations for business. Next the quail
began to call in the willows, their flute-like voices receding as they
made their way to the hillsides for the day; the soft cry of doves came
from the stubble; and finally the scream of a hunting hawk supplied the
inevitable element of discord. "
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