J.S. Chase

J.S. Chase

" ... this fine fragment of Nature... "

23, Jan. 2018

Chase, traveling along the California coast, south of Big Sur
succinctly captures a universal muse. Haven't we all wished
we could, in paint, reproduce the beautiful scenes we
experience in Nature? And do we not all fall prey to the
' deadly incubus of experience, ' familiarity at times,
and take things for granted? And for those who have stood
on the wild northern California coast have you not felt
the ' largeness and freedom ' Chase describes?


California Coast Trails


" The afternoon was bright, ... and I traveled slowly, 
reveling in the romping wind and the splendid 
color-play of the sea...Again, I longed to be a painter,
a great painter, one to whom the subjectiveness,
the spirituality, of color should be known, who might
transcribe this fine fragment of Nature in all its material
and immaterial beauty.

There is a largeness and freedom about this little-visited
coast that puts the mind under stimulus, and almost
rids one of that deadly incubus of experience which
so sadly dulls the edge of our impressions. "


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